Visiting Graduate Student (2013-2015); Postdoctoral Fellow (2019-2022)
Postdoctoral Fellow at Beijing CSRC (2016); Visiting Scholar, Postdocotral Fellow at IU (2019-2022). Since 2022: Postdoctoral Fellow at Kent State University.
Visiting Graduate Student (2013-2015); Postdoctoral Fellow (2019-2022)
Postdoctoral Fellow at Beijing CSRC (2016); Visiting Scholar, Postdocotral Fellow at IU (2019-2022). Since 2022: Postdoctoral Fellow at Kent State University.
Arijit Kundu
Postdoctoral Fellow (2012-2015)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Technion (2015-2016); Assistant Professor, IIT Kanpur (2016-2022); Associate Professor, IIT Kanpur (2022-Now).
Martin Rodriguez-Vega
Postdoctoral Fellow (2016-2018)
Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Texas, Austin (2018-2021); Director's Postdoctoral Fellow at LANL (2021); Associate Editor, Physical Review Letters (2021-Now).
Daniel Ariad
Postdoctoral Fellow (2019-2020)
Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins University.
Mostafa Tanhayi Ahari
Graduate Student (2013-2016)
PhD in Physics, Indiana Univeristy (2019); Postdoctoral Fellow at UCLA (2019-2022);Postdoctoral Fellow at Material Research Lab, UIUC (2022-Now).
Erin Depke
Emerging Scholars REUW Student (2021-2022)
Willow Beemsterboer
Emerging Scholars REUW Student (2020-2021)
Colleen Klein
Emerging Scholars REUW Student (2019-2020)
Currently: Student at Indiana University.
Marvin Jones
STEM Summer Scholars Institute Student (2013, 2014)
Currently: Graduate Student at Indiana University.
Gabriel Chiselenco
REU Student (2023)
Currently: Graduate Student at University of Maryland.
Zach Anderson
REU Student (2022)
Currently: Graduate Student at University of Iowa.
Brian Gould
REU Student (2021)
Caitlin Patterson
REU Student (2019)
Currently: Graduate Student at University of California, Santa Barbara.
Meghan Lentz
REU Student (2017)
Currently: Graduate Student at University of New Mexico.
Michael Vennettilli
REU Student (2015)
PhD in Physics, University of Pittsburgh (2021); Now: Postdoctoral Researcher, AMOLF (2021-Now).
Orsola Capovilla-Searle
REU Student (2014)
PhD in Mathematics, Duke University (2021); Now: Krener Assistant Professor and NSF postdoc at UC Davis.
Jordan Venderley
REU Student (2013)
Graduate Student, Cornell University (2014-2019); Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University (2019-2020); Machine Learning Researcher at Eli Lilly and Company (2020-Now).