Graduate students in the group are fully involved in all aspects of writing and publishing peer-reviewed publications.
Graduate students in the group are fully involved in all aspects of writing and publishing peer-reviewed publications.
2022 | |
[1] | Enhancement of High Harmonic Generation in Bulk Floquet Systems (2022). [arXiv:2207.02830] |
2024 | |
[12] | Josephson-Current Signatures of Unpaired Floquet Majorana Bound States , Physical Review Letters 133, 196601 (2024). [arXiv:2301.07707] [5 citations] Letter |
[11] | Multiple tunable real-space degeneracies in graphene irradiated by twisted light , Physical Review B 110, 054314 (2024). [arXiv:2311.04792] |
2022 | |
[10] | Renormalized magic angles in asymmetric twisted graphene multilayers , Physical Review B 106, 045117 (2022). [arXiv:2202.12502] [4 citations] |
[9] | Dirac Magic and Lifshitz Transitions in AA-Stacked Twisted Multilayer Graphene , Physical Review Letters 128, 026404 (2022). [arXiv:2107.10687] [10 citations] Letter |
2021 | |
[8] | Floquet Gauge Pumps as Sensors for Spectral Degeneracies Protected by Symmetry or Topology , Physical Review Letters 126, 206602 (2021). [arXiv:2012.09677] [1 citation] Letter |
2020 | |
[7] | Dynamically induced topology and quantum monodromies in a proximity quenched gapless wire , Physical Review B 102, 125142 (2020). [arXiv:1908.06111] [2 citations] |
[6] | Linear response theory and optical conductivity of Floquet topological insulators , Physical Review B 101, 174314 (2020). [arXiv:1912.12753] [32 citations] |
2019 | |
[5] | Higher-order Floquet topological phases with corner and bulk bound states , Physical Review B 100, 085138 (2019). [arXiv:1811.04808] [121 citations] Editors' Suggestion |
2017 | |
[4] | Non-Abelian fermion parity interferometry of Majorana bound states in a Fermi sea , Physical Review B 95, 201114(R) (2017). [arXiv:1609.04627] [10 citations] Rapid Communication |
2016 | |
[3] | On the Role of Self-Adjointness in the Continuum Formulation of Topological Quantum Phases , American Journal of Physics 84, 858–868 (2016). [arXiv:1508.02682] [22 citations] |
2015 | |
[2] | Effective theory of vortices in two-dimensional spinless chiral p-wave superfluids , Physical Review B 92, 035136 (2015). [arXiv:1407.2553] [12 citations] |
2014 | |
[1] | Tunable Floquet Majorana fermions in driven coupled quantum dots , Physical Review B 90, 121401(R) (2014). [arXiv:1402.7353] [30 citations] Rapid Communication |
2022 | |
[2] | Studies of Dynamics and Topology of Driven Quantum Many-Body Systems (PhD thesis, Indiana University) (2022). [url] |
2019 | |
[1] | Non-Abelian Interferometry and Entangled Pauli Principle in Correlated Topological Matter (PhD thesis, Indiana University) (2019). [url] |